Wild Game and Ethnic Dinner this Saturday

Join us for an evening of good food and family fun!
We will have a variety of venison, antelope, bear, perogies and much more…

Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Holy Trinity Church, 74 Joe’s Hill Road, Danbury, CT

Reservations strongly recommended.

For info and tickets please call (203)748-0671

Adult Tickets $30.00 – BYOB
Children 13-18 $20.00
Children 12 and under free.

Raffle Prizes
Coffee, Tea and Soda will be served

Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of January 12-18, 2015

Monday January 12, 6 PM 
Prayer Group

Monday, January 12, 7 PM 
Spirituality Class

Tuesday, January 13, 8:30 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 7 PM
Parish Council Meeting

Thursday, January 15, 8:30 AM

Sunday, January 18, 10AM 

Sunday, January 18, 11:30 AM
Annual Parish Meeting

This is the Second of Three Announcements for our Annual Meeting which is set for Sunday, January 18. We have much to discuss. Please do your best to stay and participate.

2015 Parish Council Slate of Candidates
President – Susan Sulich
Vice President – Harry Fong
Treasurer – Monika Mihaly
Asst. Treasurer – Vida Bundra
Secretary – Lorraine Fedyna
Members at Large – Jeff Szymanowicz, Suad Behrend and Nick Fong

If you would like to help your Church and run for an office, please let Harry Fong or Father Luke know of your interest.

Readers Schedule
1/18 – Susan Sulich
1/25 – Harry Fong

Coffee Hour
1/18 – OPEN
1/25 – OPEN

Church School Schedule 

Sunday classes resumed this past Sunday, January 4 for the Elementary and middle school age students. And will continue on Sunday, January 18.

Teen classes resume Sunday, January 11.

Friday classes resume Friday, January 9 and will continue on Friday, January 23.

See Stasia Mihaly, Church School administrator, for details.

House Blessings

Fr. Luke will be scheduling house blessings. Do not be afraid to call Father to schedule a time. Please keep your calendar open and flexible.

Preparing your home for the blessing:

  1. Your home does NOT have to be spotless, but should be free of clutter on the floor, like toys, which may cause Father to trip or fall.
  2. A table should be prepared with a white cloth where an icon, a candle, a small bowl, holy water and a list of first names of everyone you want Father to pray for during the service for their health. If you do not have Holy Water, please let Father know and he will bring a bottle of for you to keep.
  3. If you have any small items, like crosses or icons, that you want blessed, place them on the table and let Father know.
  4. Turn off all radios and TVs. Take the phone off the hook during the short blessing service. Cell phones should be turned off. Just remember to place the phone back on the hook and turn on your cell phone at the end of the service.
  5. Close all doors to rooms you do not want Father to enter — open all doors and turn the lights on in the home, otherwise.
  6. A family member should lead Father around the home during the
    blessing. Children may do this, girls or boys.
  7. If you have a pet, they may also receive a blessing, but please keep them under control to prevent them from jumping on Father or getting under his feet.
  8. I look forward to sharing this special blessing with you and your family. Many Years!!

Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of January 5-11, 2015

Monday January 5, 6 PM 
Vigil for Theophany – Strict Fast Day

Monday, January 5, 7 PM 
Spirituality Class

Tuesday, January 6, 9 AM 
Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany

Thursday, January 8, 8:30 AM

Friday, January 9, 5 PM 
Church School

Sunday, January 11, 10AM

Sunday, January 11, 2 PM 
Lakota adult Mission Trip Presentation

Sunday, January 11, 3 PM
ASP Meeting

This is the First of Three Announcements for our Annual Meeting which is set for Sunday, January 18. We have much to discuss. Please do your best to stay and participate.

2015 Parish Council Slate of Candidates
President – Susan Sulich
Vice President – Harry Fong
Treasurer – Monika Mihaly
Asst. Treasurer – Vida Bundra
Secretary – Lorraine Fedyna
Members at Large – Jeff Szymanowicz, Suad Behrend and Nick Fong

If you would like to help your Church and run for an office, please let Harry Fong or Father Luke know of your interest.

Readers Schedule
1/11 – Paul Toaso
1/18 – Susan Sulich
1/25 – Harry Fong

Coffee Hour
1/4- Fedyna
1/11 – Molineaux
1/18 – OPEN
1/25 – OPEN

Church School Schedule 

Sunday classes resumed this past Sunday, January 4 for the Elementary and middle school age students. And will continue on Sunday, January 18.

Teen classes resume Sunday, January 11.

Friday classes resume Friday, January 9 and will continue on Friday, January 23.

See Stasia Mihaly, Church School administrator, for details.

Schedule of Services for the Week of December 20-28, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 6 PM

Sunday, December 21, 9 AM
Church School

Sunday, December 21, 10AM

Readers Schedule
12/21 – Paul Sulich
12/25 – Nicholas Mihaly
12/28 – Susan Paltauf

Christmas Services Schedule

Wednesday, December 24, 9 AM
Royal Hours

Wednesday, December 24, 5PM
Holy Supper (covered dish) – Strict Fast

Wednesday, December 24, 7 PM
Christmas Eve Services and the singing of Christmas Carols

Thursday, December 25, 10 AM
Divine Liturgy – Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Friday, December 26, 9 AM
Divine Liturgy – Synaxis of the Mother of God

Sunday, December 28, 10 AM
Divine Liturgy

Monday, December 29, 9:45 AM
Deanery Youth Bowling Event in Fairfield, CT.
This is open to all the youth of our parish regardless of age.

There is No Fasting from December 25 to January 4.

Advent Mission Project

With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Gregory, the National Senior ACRY is sponsoring an Advent Mission Project to benefit Diocesan mission parishes.

The entire proceeds of the Advent Mission Project will be used to
purchase much needed liturgical items and supplies that will greatly assist our Diocesan mission parishes in proclaiming the good news
and beauty of the Orthodox Faith in their local communities. The deadline for submitting donations is January 31, 2015.

Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of Nov 30-Dec 7, 2014

This weeks Bulletin

Tuesday, December 2, 9 AM
Perogie Session

Saturday, December 6, 10 AM
Roll Making for Christmas Bake Sale

Sunday, December 7, 9 AM
Church School

Sunday, December 7, 10AM

Sunday, December 7, 11:30AM
St. Nicholas Brunch

Readers Schedule
11/30 – Paul Toaso

Coffee Hour
12/7 – St. Nicholas Brunch

Christmas Services Schedule Continue reading Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of Nov 30-Dec 7, 2014

“… a place of refuge full of love and joy.”