Schedule of Services for the Week of December 20-28, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 6 PM

Sunday, December 21, 9 AM
Church School

Sunday, December 21, 10AM

Readers Schedule
12/21 – Paul Sulich
12/25 – Nicholas Mihaly
12/28 – Susan Paltauf

Christmas Services Schedule

Wednesday, December 24, 9 AM
Royal Hours

Wednesday, December 24, 5PM
Holy Supper (covered dish) – Strict Fast

Wednesday, December 24, 7 PM
Christmas Eve Services and the singing of Christmas Carols

Thursday, December 25, 10 AM
Divine Liturgy – Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Friday, December 26, 9 AM
Divine Liturgy – Synaxis of the Mother of God

Sunday, December 28, 10 AM
Divine Liturgy

Monday, December 29, 9:45 AM
Deanery Youth Bowling Event in Fairfield, CT.
This is open to all the youth of our parish regardless of age.

There is No Fasting from December 25 to January 4.

Advent Mission Project

With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Gregory, the National Senior ACRY is sponsoring an Advent Mission Project to benefit Diocesan mission parishes.

The entire proceeds of the Advent Mission Project will be used to
purchase much needed liturgical items and supplies that will greatly assist our Diocesan mission parishes in proclaiming the good news
and beauty of the Orthodox Faith in their local communities. The deadline for submitting donations is January 31, 2015.

Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of Nov 30-Dec 7, 2014

This weeks Bulletin

Tuesday, December 2, 9 AM
Perogie Session

Saturday, December 6, 10 AM
Roll Making for Christmas Bake Sale

Sunday, December 7, 9 AM
Church School

Sunday, December 7, 10AM

Sunday, December 7, 11:30AM
St. Nicholas Brunch

Readers Schedule
11/30 – Paul Toaso

Coffee Hour
12/7 – St. Nicholas Brunch

Christmas Services Schedule Continue reading Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of Nov 30-Dec 7, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

“When you sit down to eat, pray. When you eat bread, do so thanking Him for being so generous to you. If you drink wine, be mindful of Him who has given it to you for your pleasure and as a relief in sickness. When you dress, thank Him for His kindness in providing you with clothes. When you look at the sky and the beauty of the stars, throw yourself at God’s feet and adore Him who in His wisdom has arranged things in this way. Similarly, when the sun goes down and when it rises, when you are asleep or awake, give thanks to God, who created and arranged all things for your benefit, to have you know, love and praise their Creator.”

– St. Basil the Great

Calling all Bakers, Perogie Pinchers, and Cabbage Rollers!!

Due to the great success of our Thanksgiving Bake Sale we are out or very low on some of our most popular items. We are having emergency sessions to get our stock back up for the upcoming Christmas sale on December 13th.

We will be having Perogie/baking/cooking sessions on Tuesday, December 2nd and Tuesday, December 9th. We may also need to have an evening session. Please come to help if at all possible.

We will also be having a Nutroll baking session on Saturday, December 6th.  Even just an hour of your time helps!


Schedule of Services and Events for the Week of Nov 24-30, 2014

Sunday, November 23
Panachida for Lubov Richardovna Jasiuninski
Tanya Goodwin’s grandmother

Monday, November 24, 6 PM
Prayer Group

Monday, November 24, 7 PM
Spirituality Class

Tuesday, November 25, 8:30 AM

Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving – NO Fasting

Friday, November 28
NO Fasting
By Church Authority & Diocesan Custom, the Thanksgiving Thursday & the Friday after Thanksgiving Day are accounted as Fast Free.

Sunday, November 30, 9 AM
Church School

Sunday, November 30, 10AM

Readers Schedule
11/30 – Paul Toaso

Coffee Hour
11/30 – Open
12/7 – St. Nicholas Brunch

Parish Christmas Card

Chrissanth, with the help of our children, has created a beautiful Christmas card from our parish which will be sent to Bishop Gregory and all the friends of our parish.

If you would like to have your name on the card, please see Julia Huott or Maddy Sulich at coffee hour. A $20 donation is requested per family.

“… a place of refuge full of love and joy.”