Category Archives: General

The Services of the Bridegroom

Holy Tuesday
On Holy Tuesday the Church calls to remembrance two parables, which are related to the Second Coming. The one is the parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-3); the other the parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). These parables point to the inevitability of the Parousia and deal with such subjects as spiritual vigilance, stewardship, accountability and judgment. From these parables we learn at least two basic things. First, Judgment Day will be like the situation in which the bridesmaids (or virgins) of the parable found themselves: some ready for it, some not ready. The time one decides for God is now and not at some undefined point in the future. If “time and tide waits for no man,” certainly the Parousia is no exception. The tragedy of the closed door is that individuals close it, not God. The exclusion from the marriage feast, the kingdom, is of our own making. Second, we are reminded that watchfulness and readiness do not mean a wearisome, spiritless performance of formal and empty obligations. Most certainly it does not mean inactivity and slothfulness. Watchfulness signifies inner stability, soberness, tranquility and joy. It means spiritual alertness, attentiveness and vigilance. Watchfulness is the deep personal resolve to find and do the will of God, embrace every commandment and every virtue, and guard the intellect and heart from evil thoughts and actions. Watchfulness is the intense love of God.

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The Services of the Bridegroom

Introduction bridegroom-1[1]

Beginning on the evening of Palm Sunday and continuing through the evening of Holy Tuesday, the Orthodox Church observes a special service known as the Service of the Bridegroom. Each evening service is the Matins or Orthros service of the following day (e.g. the service held on Sunday evening is the Orthros service for Holy Monday). The name of the service is from the figure of the Bridegroom in the parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13.


The first part of Holy Week presents us with an array of themes based chiefly on the last days of Jesus’ earthly life. The story of the Passion, as told and recorded by the Evangelists, is preceded by a series of incidents located in Jerusalem and a collection of parables, sayings and discourses centered on Jesus’ divine sonship, the kingdom of God, the Parousia, and Jesus’ castigation of the hypocrisy and dark motives of the religious leaders. The observances of the first three days of Great Week are rooted in these incidents and sayings. The three days constitute a single liturgical unit. They have the same cycle and system of daily prayer. The Scripture lessons, hymns, commemorations, and ceremonials that make up the festal elements in the respective services of the cycle highlight significant aspects of salvation history, by calling to mind the events that anticipated the Passion and by proclaiming the inevitability and significance of the Parousia.

The Orthros of each of these days is called the Service of the Bridegroom (Akolouthia tou Nimfiou). The name comes from the central figure in the well-known parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). The title Bridegroom suggests the intimacy of love. It is not without significance that the kingdom of God is compared to a bridal feast and a bridal chamber. The Christ of the Passion is the divine Bridegroom of the Church. The imagery connotes the final union of the Lover and the beloved. The title Bridegroom also suggests the Parousia. In the patristic tradition, the aforementioned parable is related to the Second Coming; and is associated with the need for spiritual vigilance and preparedness, by which we are enabled to keep the divine commandments and receive the blessings of the age to come. The troparion “Behold the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night…”, which is sung at the beginning of the Orthros of Great Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, relates the worshiping community to that essential expectation: watching and waiting for the Lord, who will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Holy Monday 

On Holy Monday we commemorate Joseph the Patriarch, the beloved son of Jacob. A major figure of the Old Testament, Joseph’s story is told in the final section of the Book of Genesis (chs. 37-50). Because of his exceptional qualities and remarkable life, our patristic and liturgical tradition portrays Joseph as tipos Christou, i.e., as a prototype, prefigurement or image of Christ. The story of Joseph illustrates the mystery of God’s providence, promise and redemption. Innocent, chaste and righteous, his life bears witness to the power of God’s love and promise. The lesson to be learned from Joseph’s life, as it bears upon the ultimate redemption wrought by the death and resurrection of Christ, is summed up in the words he addressed to his brothers who had previously betrayed him, “’Fear not … As for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.’ Thus he reassured them and comforted them” (Genesis 50:19-21). The commemoration of the noble, blessed and saintly Joseph reminds us that in the great events of the Old Testament, the Church recognizes the realities of the New Testament.

Also, on Great and Holy Monday the Church commemorates the event of the cursing of the fig tree (Matthew 21:18-20). In the Gospel narrative this event is said to have occurred on the morrow of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:18 and Mark 11:12). For this reason it found its way into the liturgy of Great Monday. The episode is also quite relevant to Great Week. Together with the event of the cleansing of the Temple this episode is another manifestation of Jesus’ divine power and authority and a revelation as well of God’s judgment upon the faithlessness of the Jewish religious classes. The fig tree is symbolic of Israel become barren by her failure to recognize and receive Christ and His teachings. The cursing of the fig tree is a parable in action, a symbolic gesture. Its meaning should not be lost on any one in any generation. Christ’s judgment on the faithless, unbelieving, unrepentant and unloving will be certain and decisive on the Last Day. This episode makes it clear that nominal Christianity is not only inadequate, it is also despicable and unworthy of God’s kingdom. Genuine Christian faith is dynamic and fruitful. It permeates one’s whole being and causes a change. Living, true and unadulterated faith makes the Christian conscious of the fact that he is already a citizen of heaven. Therefore, his way of thinking, feeling, acting and being must reflect this reality. Those who belong to Christ ought to live and walk in the Spirit; and the Spirit will bear fruit in them: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-25).

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Ascetic Struggle

If we embrace Christianity with dedication of heart and mind, we will receive the power to live in this world, filled as it is, with temptations and disappointments, yet remaining true to our vocation as a holy people. Committing ourselves to being full time Christians, empowers us to live our lives in such a way that we give glory and witness to the very Christ Whom we worship.

If, however, we avoid ascetic struggle, and choose to keep our Christian faith sidelined, and rejecting real commitment, we will ultimately have  become Christian in name only. For those who, out of laziness or personal selfishness, choose to relegate fasting, private prayer, and even church attendance, as something done only when we feel “in the mood”, we will stand before the Throne of God, in the end, with a darkened heart that can not withstand the power of God, and eternity will be for us, a lake of fire.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon


Schedule of Services and events for the week of April 24 – May 1

Monday, April 25
9 AM – Bridegroom Matins
6 PM – Presanctified Liturgy

Tuesday, April 26
9 AM – Bridegroom Matins
6 PM – Presanctified Liturgy

Wednesday, April 27
9 AM – Bridegroom Matins
12 noon – Presanctified Liturgy
6 PM – Holy Unction Service

Thursday, April 28
9 AM – Vesperal Liturgy – Institution of the Eucharist
7 PM – Matins and the Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels

Friday, April 29
9 AM – Royal Hours
7 PM – Great & Holy Friday Vespers with Procession and Guarding the Tomb

Saturday, April 30
9 AM – Vesperal Liturgy
11 PM – Nocturne, Paschal Matins, Paschal Divine Liturgy followed by blessing of the Baskets and Agape Meal

Sunday, May 1
12 Noon – Paschal Vespers

Monday May 2
9 AM – Liturgy
7 PM – Vespers/ Spirituality Class

Readers Schedule
4/24 – Susan Paltauf
5/1- Paul Sulich
5/8 – Suzanne Molineaux

Coffee Hour
4/24 – Pot Luck/Lenten Cook Off
5/1 – PASCHA
5/8 – Mother’s Day – see Harry Fong and Paul Sulich

Volunteers Urgently Needed for OCMC Teaching Team to Indonesia at the End of June!

On June 28th, OCMC will be sending a team of Orthodox volunteers to teach the Faith in Medan, Indonesia. This teaching is needed by the Orthodox faithful, especially the youth, in this predominately Muslim country, and volunteers are needed for this team now more than ever. Please consider applying if you are able to give your time to help strengthen the Faith of Orthodox children in Indonesia by visiting, e-mailing [email protected], or by calling 1-877-463-6784 ext. 141.

Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)

Services and Events for the week of April 10 – April 17

Monday, April 11
6 PM –
Prayer Group
7 PM – Spirituality Class  

Tuesday, April 12
8:30 AM –
Lenten Hours
9 AM – Perogie Session

Wednesday, April 13
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
6 PM – Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Meal
7 PM – Catechism Class

Thursday, April 14
8:30 AM –
Akathist of Repentance
6 PM – Canon of St. Andrew and Life of St. Mary of Egypt

Friday, April 15
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
9:30 AM – Old Testament Class
7 PM – Akathist at St. Georges

Saturday, April 16
10 AM
– 3 PM – Second Bake and Craft Sale
5 PM – Vespers

Sunday, April 17
9 AM
– Church School – Youth/Teens
10 AM –Liturgy – St. Mary of Egypt Sunday
11:30 AM – Church School – Children

Readers Schedule
4/10 –Bob Faubel
4/17 – Sandi Fong
4/24 – Susan Paltauf
5/1- Paul Sulich

Coffee Hour
4/10 Fundraiser OCMC
4/17 – OPEN
4/24 – Pot Luck/Lenten Cook Off
5/1 – PASCHA
5/8 – OPEN

One Person at a Time: Changing the world begins with me

The Elder Sophroni of Essex said he believed in changing the world, one person at a time. These words are in agreement with those of Saint Seraphim of Sarov, who said acquiring inner peace causes a thousand around us to be saved. As long as we concentrate on the failings of others, inner transformation will elude us, and the world will remain in darkness. If we remain stuck in the quagmire of sin, and focused on the failings of others, we will fail in the work of conforming ourselves to the will of God.

It is, of course, much more personally comfortable to notice the failings and the sins of others, but if we do not take stock of ourselves, we will do great harm to our soul. Judging others opens wide the gates for evil spirits to enter, whereby laying waste and destroying the grace of baptism that resides within our hearts. We are in a battle against evil forces, and we had better be on guard. Our eternal life depends on it.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

About Abbot Tryphon

The Very Rev. Fr. Tryphon is a priest-monk of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR) and abbot of the All-Merciful Saviour Monastery on Vashon Island, Washington

Services and Events for the week of April 3 – April 10

Monday, April 4
6 PM –
Prayer Group
7 PM – Spirituality Class 

Tuesday, April 5
8:30 AM –
Lenten Hours
9 AM – Perogie Session

Wednesday, April 6,
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
6 PM – Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Meal
7 PM – Catechism Class

Thursday, April 7
8:30 AM –
Akathist of Repentance

Friday, April 8
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
9:30 AM – Old Testament Class
5:30 PM – Moleben to the Cross
7 PM – Akathist at St. Georges

Saturday, April 9
8 AM
– Taylor trip to weeping icon. Meet at church parking lot
6 PM – Vespers

Sunday, April 10
9 AM
– Church School – Youth/Teens
10 AM –Liturgy – St. John Climacus Sunday
11:30 AM – Church School – Children
12:30 PM – Parish Council Meeting
12:30 PM – Knitting group

Readers Schedule
4/3 – Harry Fong
4/10 –Bob Faubel
4/17 – Sandi Fong
4/24 – Susan Paltauf
5/1- Paul Sulich

Coffee Hour
4/3 – Penny Social
4/10 Fundraiser OCMC
4/17 – OPEN
4/24 – Pot Luck/Lenten Cook Off
5/1 – PASCHA
5/8 – Mother’s Day – Fong/Sulich

Services and Events for the week of March 27 – April 3

Monday, March 28
6 PM –
Prayer Group
7 PM – Spirituality Class   

Tuesday, March 29
8:30 AM –
Lenten Hours
9 AM – Perogie Session

Wednesday, March 30
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
6 PM – Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Meal
7 PM – Catechism Class

Thursday, March 31
8:30 AM –
Akathist of Repentance

Friday, April 1
9 AM
– Lenten Hours
9:30 AM – Old Testament Class
7 PM – Deanery Presanctified Liturgy at St. John’s Mill Hill Avenue

Saturday, April 2
9 AM
– Soul Saturday Liturgy
12 noon – OYMT tool training at St. John’s Church Mill Hill Ave
5 PM – Vespers

Sunday, April 3
9 AM
– Church School – Youth/Teens
10 AM –Liturgy – Cross Veneration Sunday
11:30 AM – Church School – Children
12 noon – Penny Social

Readers Schedule
3/27 – Susan Sulich
4/3 – Harry Fong
4/10 – Bob Faubel
4/17 – Sandi Fong
4/24 – Susan Paltauf
5/1- Paul Sulich

Coffee Hour
3/27 – Gross
4/3 – Penny Social
4/10 Fundraiser OCMC
4/17 – OPEN
4/24 – Pot Luck/Lenten Cook Off
5/1 – PASCHA
5/8 – OPEN

Services and Events for the week of March 20 – March 27

Monday, March 21
6 PM –
Prayer Group
7 PM – Spirituality Class 

Tuesday, March 22
8:30 AM –
Lenten Hours
7 PM – Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 23
6 PM
– Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Meal
7 PM – Catechism Class

Thursday, March 24
8:30 AM –
Akathist of Repentance
6 PM – Vespers of Annunciation

Friday, March 25
9 AM –
Vesperal Liturgy for Annunciation
3 PM – Deanery Women’s Retreat Camp Hi-Rock

Friday, March 25, 6 PM –Service at St. George’s Danbury

Saturday, March 26
8 AM – 2 PM –
Deanery Women’s retreat
5 PM – Vespers

Sunday, March 27
9 AM
– Church School – Youth/Teens
10 AM –Liturgy – St. Gregory Palamas Sunday
11:30 AM – Church School – Children

Readers Schedule
3/20 – Luke Mihaylo
3/27 – Susan Sulich
4/3 – Harry Fong

Coffee Hour
3/20 – Molineaux
3/27 – Gross
4/3 – Penny Social/Natalia/Roz
4/10 Fundraiser OCMC
4/17 – OPEN
4/24 – Pot Luck/Lenten Cook Off
5/1 – PASCHA
5/8 – OPEN