Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Perogie Making Session 9:15 am Perogie Making Session @ Church Kitchen Mar 4 @ 9:15 am – 11:45 am Time to make more perogies for our upcoming sale on December 13th. | ||||||
All diners’ “tips” benefit the Lions Club.
The Guest Speaker will be Sarah Baroody. Come hear Sarah and support the Lions who offer many programs for the community and also support our parish events.
If you are interested in attending, let Fr. Luke know.
JOHNSTOWN, PA — With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, Christ the Saviour Cathedral is pleased to announce that it will host a three week Advent Lecture series. The lectures, which will be open to the public and will be live streamed via the internet, will take place on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm beginning December 2, 2014. They will be one hour in duration and will include a Q & A session.
The lectures will be delivered by professors from Christ the Saviour Seminary. Topics will include “The Incarnation: the Hardest Story for the Modern World, and How to Tell It Well” and “Rejoice O Isaiah… A
Scriptural Study of the Old Testament Prophecies and Their Fulfillment in the Nativity of Our Lord.
Faithful from Diocesan parishes in the Johnstown Deanery are
encouraged to attend the lecture series at the Cathedral. Parishes with internet capabilities are encouraged to watch the lectures as a group. A chat room feature will allow for interaction with the presenter during the Q & A sessions.
This event has been cancelled. Bring a wrapped ornament if you wish to participate in the exchange. Please let Susan know if you plan to attend.
This is open to all the youth of our parish regardless of age and includes 2 games of bowling and shoes (bumpers and rack if needed).
A pizza luncheon, group activities and Christmas Caroling at local nursing homes follows at St. John’s, 600 Silver Lane, Stratford, CT
RSVP to your parish priest or representative for more information and to sign up with payment for this fun filled day by December 22, 2014!!!
Presentation by a Lakota native who has lived on the reservation where we are considering going for an adult mission
trip next fall. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about life on the reservation and the needs of the people who live there. Please try to attend if you are potentially interested in this
trip. If you cannot attend the meeting but are considering participating in this project, please let Fr. Luke know.
Doors open at 12:00 pm
Calling starts at 2:00 pm
- Great assortment of prizes for adults and children
- $5 for 1 envelope of 25 penny social tickets
- Food and refreshments available
- Door prize
Free Admission
Fun for all, everyone welcome!
With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Gregory, the National Senior ACRY is sponsoring an Advent Mission Project to benefit Diocesan mission parishes.
The entire proceeds of the Advent Mission Project will be used to
purchase much needed liturgical items and supplies that will greatly assist our Diocesan mission parishes in proclaiming the good news
and beauty of the Orthodox Faith in their local communities. The deadline for submitting donations is January 31, 2015.